Monday, February 09, 2009


* 上次看完醫生,吃了藥幾天,沒明顯好轉。

* 晚上上課一聽到英文就想睡。

* 星期五的午餐,後來晚上混雜了三文治、蘋果、曲奇,變成了4次肚瀉1次嘔吐!灰!

* 其中一次肚瀉是熟睡中的清晨6點,突擊!灰過灰燼!!

* 星期六一整天吃了提子包x1,三文治x1.5,三文治x1,提子包x1。

* 嗯,我有順次序來寫的。

* 又其中第二次提及的三文治(x1),是看《Pygmalion》之前在APA的餐廳用了45分鐘吃的!

* 原因是胃部不適,要減少吃到空氣的危機。

* 如果我吃飯咁點算?要3個小時嗎?

* 星期日,有朋自台南來,我是(不稱職的)導遊小姐。

* 幸好那些地方我都懂去。

* 你知道嗎,找不到她們之前,真是讓人好擔心。

* 吃火鍋期間胃痛到暈,又狂嘔胃氣,究竟想點?

* 可惜朋友們是星期日來星期二離開,要是假期期間來的話多好。

* 昨晚輾轉反側,今天早上也是看了醫生才上班。

* 其實,我說那麼多,好想問是不是真的是公司風水對我不好呢?

* 唉...


Betty said...

Tag U:

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Betty

2. A four Letter Word : Best

3. A boy's Name : Bryan

4. A girl's Name : Bessie

5. An occupation : Bartender

6. A color : Brown

7. Something you'll wear : Bra

8. Something you'll do : Bullshit

9. A food : Bread

10. Something found in the bathroom : Baby oil

11. A place : Berlin

12. A reason for being late : Bath

13. Something you'd shout : Better fuck off

14. A movie title : Beauty and the Beast

15. Something you drink : Bloodymary

16. A musical group : Beyond

17. An animal : Bird

18. A street name : Baker street

19. A type of car : Benz

20. The title of a song : Because I love you

carol said...

小瓶子, 不好意思, 雖然你tag了我, 但我不玩這些的啦...